Timelines Awardprogram - Privacy Statement


timelines, awardprogram, awards won, webmaster, sitemap

a- awardprogram
b- purpose
c- notification
d- evaluation
f - code of ethics
g- disqualifiers
h- awardgraphics
i - criteria
j - content
k- presentation
l - design
n- privacy
o- selftest
p- application
q- credits
r- copyright
s- winners
t - wsr - page
u- evaluator
v- statuspage
x- links

a b c d f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

"Timelines" and "Zeitlinien" are private websites which provide scientific information about historical and future developments during the time of humans, solarsystem, galaxies and the whole universe.

Timelines Awardprogram wishes to honor websites that are open to new developments in the forthcoming decades.You can contact the webmaster by email to: fhornischer@hotmail.de ak 7

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Timelines has become the homepage of a scientific internet group with approximately 280 members.

The access to this website is completely anonymous, however the webmaster has no control over data collected by third parties signing the guestbook.

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No data is automatically collected, it is only used for communication with applicants to the Timelines Awardprogram, which is held confidentially and is never sold to third parties.

The webmaster never collects data from children under 13 years age, according the rules of COPPA. (Children's Online Protection)

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Awardprogram I Purpose I Notification I Evaluation I Code of Ethics I Disqualifiers I 2 I Awardgraphics I 2 I Criteria I Content I Presentation I Design I General I Privacy I Selftest I Application I Credits I Copyright I Winners I WSR- Page I Future Winners I Gold Winners I Silver Winners I Bronze Winners I Evaluator I 2 I Status I Ratings I Links

@ Copyright Timelines 2003 - 2014

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