Timelines Awardprogram - Requirements of Presentation
timelines, awardprogram, awards won, webmaster, sitemap
a- awardprogram
b- purpose
c- notification
d- evaluation
f - code of ethics
g- disqualifiers
h- awardgraphics
i - criteria
j - content
k- presentation
l - design
n- privacy
o- selftest
p- application
q- credits
r- copyright
s- winners
t - wsr - page
u- evaluator
v- statuspage
x- links
a b c d f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Step Four.
1) Is your presentation legible using good colors on a suitable background? Do you keep your background and layout consistent throughout? Suitable means, that your text should be easily read. 3 points.
2) Does your text start at the left hand side of your page? Centering your text can make it difficult to read. 3 points.
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3) Has your site a consistent layout? I am sure that you want websurfers to remember your site and to return. There are millions of websites online today, if your site has one background and one consistent layout which shows originality and beauty people will come back. If you change backgrounds layouts sometimes a visitor can think he has clicked a link to a different site and has left yours.
People surfing the net will not only just visit your site. If you keep a consistent appearance so that your site is easy to remember, visitors will come back if they enjoyed their visit. 4 points.
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4) Are you sure that your website shows a concept throughout the whole presentation? 2 points. If You clearly show the purpose of your website and what your visitors can learn, the points are yours!
5) Do you provide a sitemap where your visitors can see all your pages easily at one glance? Great- 2 points are yours.
6) Do you have a "news" - page to announce, what's new on your site? 3 points. It is easy to create one - tell your visitors about the latest changes and updates you have made and you will earn the points!
7) Are your rated and independent awards presented separately? Do you have proudly presented your awards along with their laudations and the date when they were received? Let your visitors know what a great site you have! I am sure that you want to win that 3 points, showing not only the award graphics, but also the "history" connected with them.
20 points can be achieved in this section. Does your website still comply? Wonderful!
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Awardprogram I Purpose I Notification I Evaluation I Code of Ethics I Disqualifiers I 2 I Awardgraphics I 2 I Criteria I Content I Presentation I Design I General I Privacy I Selftest I Application I Credits I Copyright I Winners I WSR- Page I Future Winners I Gold Winners I Silver Winners I Bronze Winners I Evaluator I 2 I Status I Ratings I Links
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