Timelines Awardprogram - General Criterias
Important- and scoring
timelines, awardprogram, awards won, webmaster, sitemap
a- awardprogram
b- purpose
c- notification
d- evaluation
f - code of ethics
g- disqualifiers
h- awardgraphics
i - criteria
j - content
k- presentation
l - design
n- privacy
o- selftest
p- application
q- credits
r- copyright
s- winners
t - wsr - page
u- evaluator
v- statuspage
x- links
a b c d f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Steps Six and Seven.
Does your website show excellence in content, presentation and design?
Here you can achieve 20 points to win the Gold Level of Excellence for your website.
Does your website offer innovative ideas and content, innovative design, or innovative art, and do your site meet all requriements of excellence ? You can earn up to 10 additional points to win the Timelines Future Award.
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General criteria for the Award of Excellence :
1) Do you welcome your visitors with a special page, where you tell them what they will find at your site? 2 points.
2) Does your site have a professional look, which invites your visitor to return? 2 points.
3) Do the colors, text, music and navigation used on your site fit together properly? 2 points.
4) Do all scripts and coding used on your site work properly? 2 points.
5) Do your visitors recognize what they will find on the next page, can I see a main thread within the navigation? 2 points.
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6) Is there additional navigation, for instance at the bottom of every page? 2 points.
7) Do text and images fit together in size and amount, and are they presented in a balanced proportion? Are the images not too big for the text? 2 points.
8) Is the navigation clearly arranged and easy to use? 2 points.
9) Can visitors get back to the main site easily without using the back button on their browser? 2 points
10) Do the font style, size and background used make your text easy to read? 2 points.
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General criteria for the Future Award and the World´s Best Award:
Does your site meet the general criteria above? Then we will ask you:
1) Does your site show innovative content -
new ideas which for instance, are an advantage to lots of people, or new aspects of view on an interesting theme?
2) Does your site show innovative design, presentation or coding - a website, which amazes the visitor?
3) Do you present innovative art on your website - this means the creation of wonderful digital images or any other kind of art?
Do the innovative qualities of your website shine through on all pages, so that they make it unique? This will give you 10 additional points.
You can display one of these graphics on your website:
Future Minded
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81-90 points:
World´s Best Future Award
74-80 points:
World´s Best Gold Award
66-73 points:
World´s Best Silver Award
61-65 points
World´s Best Bronze Award
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Awardprogram I Purpose I Notification I Evaluation I Code of Ethics I Disqualifiers I 2 I Awardgraphics I 2 I Criteria I Content I Presentation I Design I General I Privacy I Selftest I Application I Credits I Copyright I Winners I WSR- Page I Future Winners I Gold Winners I Silver Winners I Bronze Winners I Evaluator I 2 I Status I Ratings I Links
@ Copyright Timelines 2003 - 2014
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