Timelines Awardprogram - Credits

Giving credits

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a- awardprogram
b- purpose
c- notification
d- evaluation
f - code of ethics
g- disqualifiers
h- awardgraphics
i - criteria
j - content
k- presentation
l - design
n- privacy
o- selftest
p- application
q- credits
r- copyright
s- winners
t - wsr - page
u- evaluator
v- statuspage
x- links

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Credits to Nasa, Esa, Cern, Hubble, Fotolia and Free Fantasy and Science Fiction Graphics- for the illustrated images.

Credits to Tecmo.Inc. for the image of Tina Armstrong DOA Xtreme Volleyball.

Credits to all my fellow awardgivers, and specially to my friends. A special credit to my brothers Alois and Rudolf - thank you very much.

Credits to Carolyn Lancaster, who gave me a vision of future website design.

Friendship Award.

"My dear friends thank you very much.  For the time and effort.  You spend privately.  To make the Internet experience enjoyable for all of us. Most especially my Heatherway Shelties award new rating of 4.  The kind words of Friedrich.  Your friendship to me as a sister. Would you please accept a token of my love?"

Carolyn Lancaster

Owner: Heatherway Shelties Award 2008 August 26

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A million credits to Jo, Firestarter Pyrography, Firestarter Awardprogram! Jo is an English native speaker and was so kind as to read through my pages to find all errors in grammar, spelling and capitalization. Thank you a million times for giving me your great help.

Firestarter Friendship from Joanne Firestarter Awards

Thank you Joanne for your friendship- it is an honor for me to receive your friendship award and it means a lot to me! 2005 July 4th

The same amount of credits also to Tony for his review of my award program and his great advices- thank you for your help! A lot of credits also to Diane for reviewing my pages!

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A million credits to Gabry Regal Realm. Friendshipaward from Gabry- Horse Deliverance She told me how to use notepad to alter the HTML code for my first design. Gabry is also the webmistress of her wonderful website, Horse Deliverance. Here she shows an innovative horsetraining concept, along with her excellent Light Emitting Diode awardprogram.

Regal Realm- Horsedeliverance- Light Emitting Diode Awards. Thank you Gabry for your
riendship- it is an honor for me to receive your friendship award and it means a lot to
me! 2005 June 14th.

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A million credits goes to Liza Kliko. Liza helped with the correction of my HTML code to make it W3C compliant. She has an incredible knowledge about HTML coding, and is also the webmistress of some beautiful websites that display her excellent poetry, songs, and also documentation about the laurel wreath. Liza is also the webmistress of the excellent Lorelei and Digital Glow award programs.

Loreleis Friendship Award
The history of laurel wreath

Thank you Liza for your friendship, it is an honor to receive your friendship award, and it
means a lot to me! 2005 September 26

Liza Klikos official website

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Golden friendship award from Judy, Judys friendship award, Judy Grahams friendship award

* Courtesy is owed, Respect is earned, Love is given * Judy Graham, Rochester, Michigan,

Thank you Judy for your new friendship awards- they look really beautiful, and it is an
honor for me to receive them from you!

2005 03 10, 2005 May 20th, 2005 June 20th

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Sylvia- Salamanders Young Burn Survivors. A gift of friendship from Sylvia- Young Burn Survivors. Thank you Sylvia for your gift of friendship, it is an honor to receive your gift of friendship and it means a lot to me! 2006 January 23rd

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Lupércio Mundim - Poetic Soul. Thank you Lupérico for your special friendship award, it is an honor to receive your special friendship award, and it means a lot to me! 2006 April 13th. Special Friendship

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William T. Morgan - Nautical Awards. "Please accept this special token as appreciation of my gratitude and sincere friendship." Thank you Bill for your special friendship award, it is an honor to receive it, and it means a lot to me. 2006 June 11th. Friendship Award.

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Aiko Timmer - ATGP Awards. "Also lasst uns virtuell auf Freundschaft trinken!"- "So let us virtually drink to our friendship!" - Thank you Aiko for your friendship award, it is an honor for me to receive it, and it means a lot to me. 2006 June 14th. Friendship Award.

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Sandra Gerbers - Fun Tyme Entertainment Award Program. "You are a special person and I thank you for your friendship." - Thank you Sandy for your friendship award, it is an honor for me to receive it from such a prominent and highly respected person like you are, and it means a lot to me. 2006 June 16th. Friendship Award

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Huub Crapels - BV. Lindenheuvel Award Program- WTA. "Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg mit Deiner Homepage und dem Award Program !!" - "I wish you much success with your homepage and your award program!" - Thank you Huub for your friendship award, it is really a big honor to receive it from such a prominent and highly respected person like you, and it means a lot to me! 2006 June 17th. Friendship Award

Dieter Schneider - Diskus Award Index, AECI. "Hallo Friedrich, Dora und ich möchten Dir unseren Friendship Award überreichen. Dieser Freundschaft Award, wird bei uns an wirkliche Internet Freunde vergeben und er ist ein danke schön für die Freundschaft. Er wird von uns nicht verschleudert, für Link Anteile zu gewinnen, sondern wir wollen mit ihm eine längere Internet Freundschaft auszeichnen. "- Danke Dieter für deinen Freunschafts- Award, es ist eine grosse Ehre für mich, ihn von dir zu erhalten und bedeutet mir sehr viel. 2006 August 17. Friendship Award

Cynthia Jones - Giving Words Award Program. " I am also sending you my friendship graphic. I really appreciate you being a part of Giving Words. " Thank you Cynthia for your friendship award, it is an honor for me to receive it, and it means a lot to me. 2006 October 5th. Friendship Award

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Rhonda Serong - ONZCDA. "I can have hope for our world as long as there are people such as yourself who give of themselves no matter the cost "Courtesy is rightly expected; respect is to be earned but friendship freely given is the most valuable of all." Thank you Rhonda for your friendship award, it is really a big honor to receive it from such a prominent and highly respected person like you , and it means a lot to me! 2006 October 27th. Kiwi Friendship

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Erin Whalen - VSDA. " Hello, First, I'd like to say that we all love your website and feel that the site, and your Awards Program, make a wonderful contribution to the World Wide Web! On behalf of myself and all of the VSDA Evaluators, we'd like to present you with the brand new VSDA Friendship Award. ..." 2007, March 26. Award

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Jenny Maass - Mond Award Programm. Lieber Friedrich, heute sende ich Dir nicht nur meinen Friendship zu, sozusagen als Gegengeschenk für Deinen, sondern biete Dir auch meine Freundschaft an. Danke, dass Du sie annimmst!
Liebe Grüße von
Jenny aka MONDFRAU 2009, April 13.

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Sylvi Katzenstein - Traum Bilder Awardprogramm.
Vielen lieben Dank für Deine Freundschaft und dem Friend Award, habe ihn voller Stolz auf die Traum Bilder Seite gesetzt! Hier im Anhang den Friendship vom Traum Bilder Award Programm. Nun wünsche ich Dir alles Liebe, und ich schicke Dir viele Grüße aus Ravensburg.
Es grüßt Dich Sylvi, 2009 May 12.

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Alan Craxford - The Extended Craxford Family Genealogy Magazine.

Yours was one of the first award programs that we approached and in our naivety we had little idea of what to expect but led us to nomineeship of UWSAG. Your encouragement and judgment has led us to continue to strive for further advancements and improvements. http://www.craxford-family.co.uk/themegrey/greyfriends.php

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