Timelines Awardprogram - Evaluation

What is going on.

timelines, awardprogram, awards won, webmaster, sitemap

a- awardprogram
b- purpose
c- notification
d- evaluation
f - code of ethics
g- disqualifiers
h- awardgraphics
i - criteria
j - content
k- presentation
l - design
n- privacy
o- selftest
p- application
q- credits
r- copyright
s- winners
t - wsr - page
u- evaluator
v- statuspage
x- links

a b c d f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

An initial review is done to ensure that your website does not show illegal content, if any unsuitable material is found you will be notified that the evaluation has been stopped.

- Your website is tested in Internet Explorer 9.0 and Firefox 3or higher.

- On receipt of your application you will receive an email with a number which you can use to track your application on the status page.

- Your site will be visited several times and reviewed using our criteria. Scoring will be achieved from the criteria, content, design, presentation and general criteria.

- After this process is completed you will be notified, if you have qualified for one of the awards or not. All applicants are notified with positive feedback. If you are a winner, you will receive your award by e-mail as an attachment.

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Awardprogram I Purpose I Notification I Evaluation I Code of Ethics I Disqualifiers I 2 IAwardgraphics I 2 I Criteria I Content I Presentation I Design I General I Privacy I Selftest I Application I Credits I Copyright I Winners I WSR- Page I Future Winners I Gold Winners I Silver Winners I Bronze Winners I Evaluator I 2 I Status I Ratings I Links

@ Copyright Timelines 2003 - 2014

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