Timelines - Ray Kurzweils Visions

A visionary in our time

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b- prolog
c- views
d- over the rim
f - humans
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h- solarsystem
i - future
j - galaxies
k- cosmologists
l - universe
m-ray kurzweil
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o- matter spirit
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Human Evolution 2

a b c d f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Ray Kurzweil- a visionary - 1999 - 2099 ?

Ray Kurzweil's visions.

1) 1998 Virtual Retina Display, Bluetoothtechnology

2) 2009 PC with a calculation-output of 1 billion calculations/ second. Wireless highspeed

Image copyright F. Hornischer

Images Bluetooth Technology, Finding the genetic code.

Reading machines for blind, hearing machines for deaf, walking machines for paralyzed.
Worldwide telephone translation, gentechnics against cancer and heart complaints.

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3) 2019 Computers are everywhere invisible embedded. Wearable computers in clothes and
contactlenses, nanotechnological machines, virtual environments, Reading machines for
blind, automatic streetleading systems, assistants. Image virtual reality, Disabled using helping machines.

4) 2029 PC with calculation-output of 1000 human brains.

Permanent and temporary implants, neuronal implants, all comprehensive tactile
communication man- machine. Image Home Network, implants, wearable computers.

Images credits to ubicom, nandomedia. Enhanced persons.

5) 2049 Nanobots, nanotechnically produced food, nanobot swarm projections to project men
and objects in real reality.

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Image credits to nanotechnology.

6) 2071 Picotechnics, technics based of the billion part of a billion part of a meter is
used. Image credits to Nanotechnology.

7) 2099 Human thinking unificates with the intelligence of machines which were originally
created by it.

8) In some thousands of years: intelligent beings discuss the fate of the universe.
Summary copyright F.Hornischer

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Welcome I Prolog I Views I Over the Rim I Humans I Psychology I Solarsystem I Future I
Galaxies I Cosmologists I Universe I Ray Kurzweil I Outcome I Matter - Spirit I Literature
I Links I Contact I Epilog I Webrings I Copyright

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