Ray Kurzweil's visions.
1) 1998 Virtual Retina Display, Bluetoothtechnology.
2) 2009 PC with a calculation-output of 1 billion calculations/ second. Wireless highspeed communication.
Copyright F. Hornischer
Reading machines for blind, hearing machines for deaf, walking machines for paralyzed. |
Worldwide telephone translation, gentechnics against cancer and heart complaints.
3) 2019 Computers are everywhere invisible embedded. Wearable computers in clothes and contactlenses, nanotechnological machines, virtual environments, |
automatic streetleading systems, assistants.
4) 2029 PC with calculation-output of 1000 human brains. |
Permanent and temporary implants, neuronal implants, all comprehensive tactile communication man- machine. |
Images credits to ubicom, nandomedia.
5) 2049 Nanobots, nanotechnically produced food, nanobot swarm projections to project men and objects in real reality. |
Credits to nanotechnology
6) 2071 Picotechnics, technics based of the billion part of a billion part of a meter is used. |
7) 2099 Human thinking unificates with the intelligence of machines which were originally created by it.
8) In some thousands of years: intelligent beings discuss the fate of the universe.
Summary copyright F.Hornischer
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