Timelines Views into History and Future

Looking into time

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Human Evolution 2

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Have a look into time!

Historical review and future visions.

Knowing and understanding the past makes it possible to recognize developments in the
future and to design future.

Before you look to the future it is advisable to look first back to the past.

World History, including the Third Reich, becomes a biography and a record of time. When we look back into the past and review that which is recorded, we are able to process it and hopefully to learn from it. Our curiosity and our need to understand may take us even further back through centuries, and thousands of years reviewing the in-depth history of humans, history of the earth and of the entire universe.

With our knowledge of the past we gain an insight to the future. In example, lessons are learned during the Third Reich. Do not look for scapegoats and do not regard oneself as something better than others because of origin. If we refuse this knowledge, we are surely led to isolation, contempt of man and finally to destruction of every minority. To reveal the past and to learn from it, we are affirming tolerance and humanity for all mankind.

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Every one of us has the possibility to re-think old ways and old ideas to make improvements on the quality of our living, and on our way of life.

Everyone has the possibility to…

1) Process experiences, making notes of memories now and then.
2) Everyone can develop new ideas to improve the future and the way of life.
3) Step by step, everybody can begin to go a new and maybe better way!

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