These clouds concentrated during time because of the mass attraction inside the clouds. Most of these clouds of gas began to rotate, like an ice - skater that turns and presses his arm against his body. From theses clouds of hydrogen and helium developed big rotating accumulations of matter, the predecessors of galaxies. Inside the clouds of gas matter concentrated more and more. There developed relatively small ball shaped structures. The force of gravitation concentrated this matter more and more, till finally the first thermonuclear reactions started- the fusion of hydrogen- nucleuses to helium and other atomnucleuses. The first stars were shining through the darkness of the intergalactic space. It became light. This development that started about 15 billion years ago will now characterize cosmos for a long time. It is distinguished by continuously changes, by birth of new structures, but also by continuously death of outdated structures. It is interesting that even such big structures like galaxies go through a process of evolution. Shortly after their birth they include many massive stars that shine particularly bright. Copyright Harald Fritzsch. Professor for Theoretical Physics at the University of Munich.
thoughts, insights and capabilities and used and increased the power of brain. By exploring the own genome and technological implants the species could keep and lengthen its own life more and more. So there were the conditions for exploring far star- systems and whole galaxies during a long time and over long distances. The species recognized life as a codepattern and could keep this pattern separated from its body. Also the patterns of individuals that had lived in former times could be restored. There developed a network of more and more clear thinking, a bubble of spirit that expanded nearly with the speed of light. Cyberspace got bigger than spacetime which it replaced. Brain and body were replaced by equivalent simulations. The world from the atom till to the solar system was coded as an emulation in the submicroworld of machines.
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