Timelines Winners of World's Best Future Award - D.I.D. A Legitimate Diagnosis - Text
(c) Candy Little
D.I.D. A Legitimate Diagnosis
Evaluator: F. Hornischer, owner of Timelines World's Best Award.
Description: Exploring the reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder and how child, domestic abuse and trauma can affect a child's mental, physical and emotional well being. Ending the stigma of mental heath issues and bringing the abusive issues out of the closet so healing can begin.
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The website D.I.D. A Legitimate Diagnosis designed by Candy Little shows a wonderful design and layout, and an excellent navigation with drop down menus. This site is about child abuse and domestic violence. The author has made her own experiences, she knows everything about DID-
Dissiciative Identity Disorder: quote "I feel that the best way that we can help our children who are being abused is to offer our support to the care givers."
Candy Little knows how our mental health greatly affects our physical health in every way, and how important it is for the client/patient to be allowed to use prayer in the healing process.
You can read all about the development of candy little´s life, her suffering, her journey through the years, the helping influence of Christian people. You learn what are the favorites of Candy Little, her spirituality, her prayers and her poetry.
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You get detailed information about DID Dissiciative Identity Disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and exploring the difference between D.I.D. and other mental disorders and illnesses. Candy Little is an expert of D.I.D, her pages will be an excellent help for everybody to understand one´s own development and experiences in life. The autor knows what are the treatments of what kind of disease, Candy Little also encourages visitors to write her if they need help.
Congratulations, the website "D.I.D. A Legitimate Diagnosis" wins Timelines World´s Best Future Award category 2. World's Best Future Award Category 2 honors sites that show unique excellence in content, presentation, design and coding, sites that deal with future developments, showing a content that will keep its validity for a long time - Timelines' Top Award.
AwardSites! 4.5 Prime Award Member Level W3C Compliance
UWSAG Level 5
WebsAwards Level 5
AWARD Level 5
May 2nd , 2012
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